Netflix Strains

Aug 29, 2017

Netflix Strains on red background

Netflix Strains

Netflix is nearing 20 years old and as it is not the legal smoking age in California, that’s not stopping them from creating their own Netflix shows inspired strains. Available in California, the streaming company is offering a selection of unique marijuana strains, tailored for the experience of sinking into a couch and binging in true Netflix fashion.

According to Variety, there are strains inspired by Netflix shows including Disjointed, Lady Dynamite, and Bojack Horseman. Netflix says each variety was “cultivated with the specific shows in mind, designed to complement each title based on their tone.”

Other Companies Getting Involved

Netflix isn’t the only multi-million-dollar company to take an interest in the cannabis industry. Most recently a Silicon Valley company, Benchmark Capital, which has launched tech companies: Twitter, Uber, Snapchat, and Instagram, and is now funding an onslaught of projects in the cannabis world. Unlike Benchmark Capital however, Netflix has gone ahead and designed their own strains that pair perfectly with many of their shows.

Different Types of Netflix Strains

“Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later” gave rise to the Camp Firewood strain, “a very chill indica.” “Bojack Horseman” can be viewed while partaking in Prickly Muffin: “When you smoke this, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day.” “Arrested Development” inspired Banana Stand Kush, recommended for a “big yellow joint,” and “Chelsea” birthed Vodkush, for the “advanced botanist.”

These Netflix strains are intended to promote the Netflix Original Disjointed, a new half-hour show that debuted on Friday, August 25th.

If you’re just reading this, we’re sorry to say but it is too late to get these promotional strains, as they were only on sale through Sunday August 27th at a pop-up shop inside the Alternative Herbal Health Services dispensary in West Hollywood. But who know, maybe Netflix will one day get in the cannabis industry for good with a delivery service that would bring their subscribers the ultimate binge worthy products.